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Menopause and Perimenopause

Ever wonder why you have hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain, while some of your girlfriends have no symptoms at all? You don't need to drag yourself through menopause -- there is a way to truly shine during this marvelous time of change.

As we approach the menopausal transition, our imbalances become exaggerated. One of the greatest contributors to severe menopausal symptoms is the health of the adrenal glands and the HPA axis. Often overlooked, years of accumulated stress, overwork, and poor dietary habits create adrenal imbalance, which in turn can be the cause of some of the worst menopausal symptoms. The more unhealthy and dysfunctional the adrenal glands are, the more miserable we feel as we enter perimenopause and menopause. Since most women don't have healthy adrenals, it has become accepted that menopause equals suffering. It doesn't have to be that way. With appropriate diagnostic testing, we can easily determine exactly how your adrenals are out of balance and treat with a precise, individualized approach. Once we receive your results, we can begin to support and rebuild your adrenals naturally with targeted vitamin therapy, herbs, minerals, essential fatty acids, and even bioidentical hormones, if necessary. No matter what the reason for your menopause, we can ease this transition without the negative side effects.

In addition to adrenal imbalance, gut infections and toxicity also play a major role in the severity of menopausal symptoms. Gut infections and GI issues like poor bile flow can cause inflammatory processes, impede digestion and thus pathways needed to make hormones, and therefore tip hormone levels out of balance even further. To top it off, toxins act as endocrine disruptors, upending the delicate hormone balance needed to enjoy a graceful menopausal transition. Strengthening liver health and enabling detoxification can help correct these imbalances. By testing your gut, liver, metabolic pathways, oxidative stress, and thyroid function to pinpoint exactly where the problem areas are, we treat according to your individual picture to get the best results.

We also figure out simple lifestyle changes that you can implement to promote an easy menopausal time, such as healthy food choices, good sleep hygiene, exercise, and relaxation techniques. With a combined program of targeted, lab-driven supplements and help with lifestyle choices, we can help you enjoy your midlife with grace. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll feel better.

Book a free 15-minute consult with our nutritionist Caitlin Murphy.

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